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Saturday, August 18, 2018

How Did Jeff Buckley Drown?

Crazy Rumors Abound

I heard a crazy rumour the other day, that Jeff Buckley drowned whilst undergoing some kind or ritualistic 'baptism'. Apparently, he was an evangelistic member of Christendom, and, it was assumed that he died when his indoctrination went wrong. This is the alleged place of the drawing:

However, according to Wikipedia, this is actually how he died:

"On the evening of May 29, 1997, Buckley's band flew to Memphis intending to join him in his studio there to work on the newly written material. The same evening, Buckley went swimming in Wolf River Harbor,[108] a slack water channel of the Mississippi River, while wearing boots and all of his clothing and singing the chorus of the song "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin.[109] Buckley had gone swimming in the river several times before.[110] A roadie in Buckley's band, Keith Foti, remained onshore. After moving a radio and guitar out of reach of the wake from a passing tugboat, Foti looked up to see that Buckley had vanished. Despite a determined rescue effort that night as well as the morning after by scuba teams and the police, Buckley remained missing. On June 4, two locals spotted his body in the Wolf River near a riverboat, and he was brought to land."

Yep, only in America do rumours like this become reality! Just goes to show that before you listen to what flows down the grapevine, you need to check the source! Whatever, the case, Buckley's amazing talent has surely been missed. Visit our SEO blog here.

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